Education and Administration, Ministry of Education and Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee encourage overseas Chinese teachers and overseas youth cultural volunteers record the video of urban culture or festival features and introduce in featured English and also promote the video.
Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee invite America , Canada, England , Australia, New Zeland and other country's Overseas Chineses Teacher and Overseas young volunteer to record and filming the video of 85 cultural short films based on the culture of living in overseas cities, scenic spots, festivals, culture, local, sports and other cultures. Support the exploration and study of American folk culture.
Here are three links below.
1.Ministry of education「教育雲」-教育媒體影音-僑見世界英語專區
2.Department of education, Taipei City Government 「酷課雲」-僑校專區
3.Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee - 全球僑胞數位學習平台